The Sunday N

The Sunday N
by Alex Kurcharski, featuring Tanner Rogalsky and Matt Blaylock

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The Daily Rundown
March 4th to March 10th

March 5th

a: Also one of my favourite guitar solos.

b: Groovy.

c: Floorguards are so in.

March 6th

d: Heh. Ditto.

e: Sept is a very good author.

March 7th

f: So very spacious!

March 8th

g: Heh. Ditto.

Maps of the Week

  1. Atilla - The Hermit
  2. Sept - --. .. .-. .-.. ..-. .-. .. . -. -..
  3. Borealis - Celestial Peace
  4. PALEMOON - Lower Deck
  5. martyr - Blood of an Angel
  6. Mirage - Hotel California
  7. Psycho_CO - Leviathan


Level Packs

Sorry guys, I accidentally left this one out last week! Apologies to all involved!

This guy's name pings me on the IRC. Grr.

have heard good things about this one. Therefore, I recommend it!

Where will you be at Twilight?

Fuck a duck, E. is definitely the best thing since sliced bread. It shits all over sliced bread. Great work, guys.

KinGAleX's Top Ten Maps of Ever!

Note that these are my top ten NUMA maps. No maps from map packs were included.

Countdown kawaii über start now!

#10: Aju - Clanker's Cavern

Regardless of the fact that Ju-Ju can't spell 'sequel', this map is a rocker. The drones are just superb, coming in and out at the right times, and the difficulty is amazingly constantly hard throughout. Well done, and have a gold star, Aju!

#9: formica - No two ways about it

Definitely my favourite 'straight puzzle', if you will. I honestly did not stop playing this map for one second until I completed it, when it was released.

#8: Templex - Twig

Ahh, damn. I feel so old loving this map. It's such a long time ago, now, and such a fantastic map, especially for those times. Times are good, kids. Tell your kids that, yo.

#7: Andrelius - Roots of all Evil

Andrelius has fallen into obscurity, unfortunately. He was a dude who used to hang out with me late at night in the ol' IRC. This map was insanely good. I urge you all to play it.

#6: jeffkillian - Desperado

Why don't you come to your senses? I remember this feller as the very first user-made level I ever played. Fuck I thought it was hard. Now I think it's relatively easy. Still the best freeform Action map around, bitches.

#5: krusch - Domo-kun FTW!

This map is ... just amazing. I don't know what to say about it. ^^

#4: blue_tetris - Minaus Maezum

Talk about nostalgic maps. I remember spending a long time demoing this one. Boy-o boy-o boy-o Dave makes the coolest thwump maps.

#3: krusch - Scandalier

It is becoming increasingly hard to say things about these maps, because they are just pure perfection. It was so hard to even differentiate between these top maps! Grah. I love krusch maps!

#2: lord_day - The Death of Suspense

Yeah. I know at least ten of you were sitting there, snug in your chairs, going, "Oh yeah, one of these next two is totally going to be a lord_day map. Totally!" Yeah, well FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU IN THE ASS.

#1: AMomentLikeThis - Poetically Pathetic

Yeah. Didn't pick this one, did you? I have had so much fun with this map. Love love love!


By Tanner Rogalsky

Clovic: the butt of so many in-jokes that it was difficult to come up with questions this week without referencing a whole bunch of stuff that a maximum of about eight people would fully understand. He used to be a moderator in a sub-forum of Bash & Thrash before the two were merged. He doesn't post that much on the forums anymore, but he's still fairly active on the IRC and Ventrilo. I'm dedicating this to his unborn child.

Tanner: Are you ever going to finish your map pack?

Clovic: Wellll, I do plan on finishing it, but with school and work being in full motion right now it's a bit tough to find time to map. I actually do have the majority of it done and am still waiting on several people to get their maps in, but yes, it will still be released. When? I can't really say, but it will come. And it will be awesome.

Tanner: Why did you decide to do maps inspired by artists?

Clovic: To make maps I need inspiration and music is a very large portion of my life so not only does inspiration come but a chance to commemorate some of my favorites comes. It's also fun to incorporate everyone elses favorites into it so we have kind of a top 10 list, but it's playable...If that makes sense. :/

Tanner: What does that look like for you? Do you just listen to the music while you make a map or do you base on the album art or what?

Clovic: In all honesty it probably looks a lot different to me than most everyone else. When I listen to music I can close my eyes and see it happening, or when I listen to different styles of music my brain does different things, it's sort of like that. I just listen to the music, the transitions, the styles, the lyrics, and I get this picture in my mind and try my best to put it into the map. It's pretty fun for me.

Tanner: How did you end up with your very own sub-forum?

Clovic: You bring up bad memories you do. :( --- The better question is why was my very own sub-forum taken away from my grasp! I think it's probably something to do with...Hmmm that's a good question. I'd like to know the answer too. :p

Tanner: You have no page on the N Wiki and yet you're a fairly prominent member of the community. What do you think that's about?

Clovic: Probably because I don't post all that often. I stick to making maps, IRC, and vent, forums just get boring to me after a period of time so I've not been that much of an active poster. That could be the reason I suppose. I don't mind it though, I don't like being identified as anything in particular and if I had a page on the wiki surely people would identify me as certain things.

Tanner: You spent a bit of time as the top author on NUMA. Care to explain a bit about how that came to pass?

Clovic: In all honesty I think it came to pass because I was the best author for a time. I mean, there were other circumstances, but I stayed there for an awful long time and why else would you make maps except to enjoy them and make the best ones you could make? I don't think all that many people truly like my maps, but I think I'm one of the better ones out there. That may be conceited but if I thought I was crappy at making maps I wouldn't ever make em, so it's kind of a required thought process.

Tanner: Which games do you play besides N?

Clovic: I play World of Warcraft and a TON of Guitar Hero. I also never pass up a LAN party for Counter Strike and Unreal. Anything on the new consoles are awesome as well, but I have not the funds to purchase one at the present time. :(

Tanner: Take back what you said about myself not being able to conjure witty insults or suffer humiliation at the hands of a fabricated Nterviewed.

Clovic: I honestly don't know what you're talking about, I was probably drunk. :p

Sure, Clovic! It was the alcohol talking! ;_; The forecast calls for a 99% chance of blue_tetris in the next seven days. You'll probably need galoshes.