What They Did to Them

Thumbnail of the map 'What They Did to Them'

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Author the_happy_taco
Tags author:the_happy_taco holocaust rated tileset
Created 2009-05-16
Last Modified 2009-05-16
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description i know it's kind of late for the holocaust week but it need to be known the horrible things they did. we had a speaker in school about a month ago who was in the holocaust. he was forced by the nazis to watch his parents killed, his brother torchered and killed, throw a baby into a furnance for crying, watch all his freinds die, thrown into a chemical pool, and tranfered 9 times to different camps. he was lucky but millions were killed by the souless men and all who died will always be rememebered.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Love' Thumbnail of the map 'Falcon Punch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Morning Call' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise Up Against Square DDAs' Thumbnail of the map 'Artic Night' Thumbnail of the map 'Isolationism'
Love Falcon Punch! Morning Call Rise Up Against Square DDAs Artic Night Isolationism


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those poor, poor, poooooooor nazis. nah i kid.
think of this demo as the story of Anne Frank and her courage.
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Not Political Statement Archive
Seriously, guys, take it to the debate forum if you want to preach about which genocide was worse
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the Holocaust was not the most recent genocide in the history of the west. i think Mao's genocide (if it can be called that, and i wouldn't call it that) came after the Holocaust. and the Holocaust is targeted because it is more shocking.


it was just some honest advice, I'm not trying to preach, but shouting I"M NOT A NAZI on a featured map is probably not the kind of publicity you want.
cuz it gonna dig me into a hole i cant get out of, im done


I really don't think you should post open responses to people in the comments of featured's essentially spam and will not endear people towards you.
there was much worse than this picture, much worse.

and it isnt the most recent, i mean even nixon created a genocide during the vietnamese war klling thousands of civilians during bombing raids, and it wasnt the worst, stalin doubled the body count of hitler and Mao Ze-Dong tripled that, but it was mainly the ppl who survived and how they didn't just take out one race like the crusades did, but targeted everyone, jews, blacks, asians, the metaly unstable.

yes its true it's not the greatest pic to put on numa, i realized that, but about 3 weeks ago there was a map that hailed hitler when no one was looking, maybe it was put down, i dont know, but at the time i didnt want to show the full crualty of the nazis, but still show what they had done

i have a pic im make that will be beter and look more like im against than for it (not just nazism, things like communism and terrorism, which i am fully against), but i definently keep in mind what i use as a pic, maybe a rose or something would have worked beter, but its to late to change, we all make mistakes, but we cant let them run us, we keep moving forward
It's the most recent genocide in the memory of the West? And that it was ruthlessly calculated and at times insane, they didn't just kill many of the people in the holocaust, they denied them any dignity and thought of and treated them like animals on the grounds of religion and race.

I don't think this map was the best way to show remembrance. I giant swastika apparently destroying a city flies closer towards Nazi sympathizing and respect for those who lost their lives. Also, I can't see the logic in using NUMA as an outlet for this kind of thing. But, if pawz is going to let it go, I guess I will have to.
All the other genocides are largely ignored.

I mean, compare the number of people who have heard of Mao Zedong with the number who have heard of Adolf Hitler. Then compare the number of deaths the two are credited with (10-25 million vs. 45-55 million). [source []]

Obviously, this doesn't mean that the Holocaust was ok, but it wasn't the biggest atrocity ever committed. I'm pretty sure the reason people talk about it so much is the number of Holocaust survivors living in first world nations.
ahahahahahahahaha, no you really don't. I feel like delisting this but it's making a statement. Plus it's not like there have been other maps in the past like it. I'll let this go.




o nvm

should have googled before i asked, now i get why u said that
and can't tell if your being sarcastic or normal, kinda hard to tell on a computer...

c'mon man

i live in tokelau, for christ's sake.


i can't rememeber his name but our guy wrote a book and the book is more grusome than his speech
His name was Mr. Bass or something, short for something like Bassuri.




er, holocaust.

i think i've heard of it.


everyone did. blah, blah, blah. old fad.
did he write a book about?
He went through a bunch of camps, including the biggest one, Auschwitz. He still had the tattoo of his camp number on his arm as well.
i sayed wait stop but u alrdy did

and no

firstly, don't advertize, it makes you look bad...

Lol, are you a natzi?? Tiles are oka, I'm not a fan of the fire or the idea of there being a giant Swastika lol


I love that lol. I am making a tile set right now haha! It isn't going to be too good but I will try my best.


was a true and sad story, i felt horrible for him

The description, lets just say thats the least harshest way i could put it =/

Dude that

is a harsh description. But I was gonna make a swastika but I failed! Nice tile set, 5/5 for me! :D
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Demo Data

You should edit your description. -.-


game over
<Commander> Erm, Doenitz... Hitler has shot himself, we need you to be the next fuhrer...
<Doenitz> What?! This is the moment I have been waiting for!
*evil laughter*
<Doenitz> So, what do I do now?
<Commander> Well, there's four options. One, you press this button and surrender. Two, you send a telegram to Churchill, telling him you're very sorry for Hitler's mistake. Three,you do a little dance on the Brandenburg gate with these two white flags. Or four, keep fighting.
<Doenitz> Ok. I shall. Where are these white flags?




my description in my latest map fits the holocaust perfectly

did you know...

they tried to mate women with dogs
and shoved people into ovens


tiles :P