Artic Night

Thumbnail of the map 'Artic Night'

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Author the_happy_taco
Tags author:the_happy_taco fun race rated
Created 2009-04-25
Last Modified 2009-04-25
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description this is my first race map

tell me waht u think, comments, conserns, RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Though the Fire and Flames' Thumbnail of the map 'Are You Still There?' Thumbnail of the map 'Love' Thumbnail of the map 'Falcon Punch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Morning Call' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise Up Against Square DDAs'
Though the Fire and Flames Are You Still There? Love Falcon Punch! Morning Call Rise Up Against Square DDAs


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Really good...

I love a good chaingun. 5aved
I was poking fun at how everyone else said they were leaving too. I really didn't expect I'd actually do something similar a week later. :P

I guess I should have added a smilie of some kind :/
Besides that, I think I know my own motives better than you do.
i managed to consistently get past the chaingun if i let the ninja freefall a bit before pressing right....
4/5 for a first...

and fastest (only) agd
Demo Data
but i didn't record...

its not too bad

i couldnt get the first chaingun to work either and had to take it out. but this isnt your first race, i have that in my favourites. mwahahaaaaa. Here it is [].

faved for later, I'm going out soon, so I wont be able to play this tonight, I'll try to do it ether tomorrow morning or night, looks pretty fun

Agree with Riobe.

It was kind of loopy, but nice for a first.
i found that if i pulled hard left right in the beginning then when i was on the tiles for 1 sec i went right and went perfectly through the chaingun, it worked for me everytime, yea that may have been aqward if u didnt know that and the teleporter only worked if u went fast into it, but i got an idea for my next one that wont be as genaric
First off, from the start, I have to say that the right chaingun was placed very badly. After around 10 tries or so, I gave up trying to get past it, and just took it out. The flow, however, was definitely not bad, especially for a first. You should try to come up with some more unique flow ideas though. The top chaingun was well placed, and the left rockets were pretty good as well. The right rocket and gauss, however, were pretty useless though. The bottommost floorguard was good, though you should try to place enemies in ways that they don't affect the aesthetics of the map. Lastly, this race actually did have pretty good aesthetics. You, however, try to work on making your tilesets more original, and placing enemies and gold in a more original fashion.

Nevertheless, I did have fun playing this, and it does warrant a 3.5. :)
one of the best maps you've ever made