Are You Still There?

Thumbnail of the map 'Are You Still There?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author the_happy_taco
Tags author:the_happy_taco rated tileset
Created 2009-03-29
Last Modified 2009-03-29
by 9 people.
Map Data


the cake is a lie

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Merry N'Mas' Thumbnail of the map 'My Normal Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Thorns' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tropics' Thumbnail of the map 'Slot Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Though the Fire and Flames'
Merry N'Mas My Normal Day Thorns The Tropics Slot Machine Though the Fire and Flames


Pages: (0)


You can glitch to it if you try. =P

the cake might not have been a lie, theres a cut scene at the end...
but this is pretty nice. The human is absolutely perfect. 4.5

Portal ftw

and a nice tileset as well - a definate 5 from me. :P

i love portal

but half life is better

nice tiles . . . . . 4

Not bad

4/5, wish it were a little smaller so it was more like a tiny sign, but its good.
but ill try to go for the other warnings signs in portal.

me, like other ppl, hate when there maps dont even get a single comment, screw rates, but when theres nothing, it makes my work feel worthless =/


no resubs
I did notice, you subbed this either 1 or 2 days ago


some one noticed


i dont know why i keep trying to resub this, no ones even gonna notice

i guess ill try one last time be fore i give up on the tiles

Apeture Science

We do what we must, because, we can.