
Thumbnail of the map 'Thorns'

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Author the_happy_taco
Tags author:the_happy_taco dda painful rated
Created 2009-02-01
Last Modified 2009-02-01
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description After 5 hours of laggy peices, trial and error, acciedentally pressing e instead of r, and hair pulling, i finally finished. If you find something odd, ten ill probably be able to explain it. But in the end i think it worked out well.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm a Slow Learner' Thumbnail of the map 'To Bad' Thumbnail of the map 'JOY' Thumbnail of the map '8-Bit Santa' Thumbnail of the map 'Merry N'Mas' Thumbnail of the map 'My Normal Day'
I'm a Slow Learner To Bad JOY 8-Bit Santa Merry N'Mas My Normal Day


Pages: (0)


good job. :)

The tileset reminds me of Clifty's Frightmare.
The close calls were nice, but not the best I've seen.


How do you do it?

love it

there like no dda's with nice 4/5

It's a DDA

D = Don't
D = Do
A = Anything
So... Don't Do Anything
the first time i hit e because i forgot to save what i had done and had to restart half of it and i was about to chuck my computer at the wall

wambla, ill take that into consideration next time i make another dda, i think the nan'ds were the ones lagging my computer and moving gold slightly, screwing everything up
vote all you want, im not touching it again


4/5, but I won't rate yet in case you want to edit the NaN'd gold
yea where the door was suppost open opened but somehow got laggy and created an invisable wall so i was forced to create that opening, also why i was pulling out my hair
and you do know you can put the data into notepad press ctr + f and search for nan to get rid of that gay gold at the top.

yes its cheatable

because most of the map was a NO WAY OUT situation for the dda and i had to redo, redo, redo ,redo, shit i pressed e, reload, redo ,redo ,redo, shit not again, reload, and so on

thats why i was pulling my hair out and those four random gold spots are at the top
your a happy taco :D


earier though!!!!

Beat you nicoguerreronico:
Demo Data

E is stupid

it's cheatable though
Demo Data
i couldn't stand Tab until i changed it to ctrl. but i always press q-w-p when playing maps even if i could press r-p

this map was hard until i realized it was an awesome, 5/5 DDA (lol)


Thats my sunny tileset idea!
Oh well, its not like it's that unique anyway, but it was a nice addition to my Sunny Cave
but with that many drones...

i didnt have a choice =/

Ah, E

the most pointless and aggravating button. It's even worse than pressing Q instead of ~ or Tab.
I liked the drones, nice! 3.5/5 (3)