Rise Up Against Square DDAs

Thumbnail of the map 'Rise Up Against Square DDAs'

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Author the_happy_taco
Tags author:the_happy_taco dda rated
Created 2009-04-22
Last Modified 2009-04-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description what else is needed

RCE or at least just look at it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Slot Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Though the Fire and Flames' Thumbnail of the map 'Are You Still There?' Thumbnail of the map 'Love' Thumbnail of the map 'Falcon Punch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Morning Call'
Slot Machine Though the Fire and Flames Are You Still There? Love Falcon Punch! Morning Call


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pulk not push

and did I use gold delay?... I like being mentioned though


nice nice 4/5

ok yea

i was just venting about how much ppl hate gold in ddas, i like them when there done right and there fun to watch, like pull push revolving doors

boring was to big of a word =/
I don't find trapdoor DDAs or gold delay bad. I really like trapdoor KRADDAs. fishbone made one of those... It was cool.
Most of the gold is used for the bounceblock propulsion.

How are trapdoor maps boring? (How are they any different from other DDAs, if you do them well?) I personally don't use bounceblock propulsion as much as trapdoor propulsion (except in 2760 Frames of Insanity) because it involves more objects (and thus takes longer to load and causes more lag) and it takes more space, but it is very useful.


i think trapdoor maps are boring, yes there was a lot of gold delay, but using it is as hard as using trapdoors because you have to put have to put gold in specific places with a specific amount of gold and bounceblocks

yes im going to get away from gold delay over time but i think it is under appreshiated for how its used

yea if i ever make another dda, im gonna go kradda

I looked it

and I saw that it was good.

Would have been nice if the rockets were kept alive but the bots were good and lots going on so it didn't get boring

Yeah,Screw You.(Jk)

I Can't Make a ninja move a centimeter on the program.
(Unless using arrows)