User information for "ska", pushing all the buttons (Reviewer)

Maps 299 (Show all)
Rated Maps 78 (Show all)
Favorites 948 (Show all)
Featured Maps 7 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 1865


List of 0th scores for Ben_Schultz_11: (As of January 22, 2018)

09-1 - 159.050
09-4 - 126.025
11-3 - 117.050
17-0 - 149.225
67-0 - 137.025

Total: 5 0th scores (Ranked 6th)

Recent Favorites

Thumbnail of the map 'Decadence' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'Use The Skills That Mario Taught You!' Thumbnail of the map '31-3 - Around the corner' Thumbnail of the map 'Hex me up' Thumbnail of the map '41-2 - Helmet'
Decadence Christmas Lights Use The Skills That Mario Taught You! 31-3 - Around the corner Hex me up 41-2 - Helmet