The Cube

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cube'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rule
Tags author:rule dood playable rated the-cube tileset
Created 2008-11-27
Last Modified 2008-11-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description "Darkness hangs over all, and we cast shadows of light"-ChaoStar

Ded. to gr_8, Hope you like it. [[Tileset))

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'False Hope' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tunnels are so Dark' Thumbnail of the map 'Overgrown' Thumbnail of the map 'Nothing Original' Thumbnail of the map 'Scorpio' Thumbnail of the map 'Warning! For Experts Only.'
False Hope The Tunnels are so Dark Overgrown Nothing Original Scorpio Warning! For Experts Only.


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thanks for the ded

tiles are simple, yet quite pleasing to mess around in.
4/5 as... i dunno, it just is

Oh and btw,

hoohah2x2sday if you want ME to playtest something i could do that too ;) It's up to you.

Nice tiles,

i like simplistic tiles. Good for speedruns also. 4/5
Demo Data
and ill pm u the data
i meant would u playtest one of my upoming maps?

i shud have made that clearer...


Good for speedruns if you can corner jump like a bitch. 3.5 up.
its quite fun to mess around in\

btw do u playtest?

why didnt you put enemies?
i dont want to rate really until i learn more about how to rate and stuff
i dont want you mad at me if i rate you bad
Demo Data