Nothing Original

Thumbnail of the map 'Nothing Original'

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Author rule
Tags action author:rule nothing-original playable rated
Created 2008-11-22
Last Modified 2008-11-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description "You're not doing anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before"-astheoceansblue

This is not original to, but I think it's ok. RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Missed the Mother load?' Thumbnail of the map 'It feels so empty.' Thumbnail of the map 'Squid' Thumbnail of the map 'False Hope' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tunnels are so Dark' Thumbnail of the map 'Overgrown'
Missed the Mother load? It feels so empty. Squid False Hope The Tunnels are so Dark Overgrown


Pages: (0)

good gold



I don't really have any ATM...

Even Better!





Teh ubez

I'm bored of speaking with a scholarly tone, so here comes WoW talk. It is so fun. @ atob: 5/5 there is a reason why this style is being used multiple times, and I think you know why. Wherever you go you will find these because they are fun. And rule, I have a looooooooong ways to go before I pass you :)
As for a collab, I am thinking flowy action. I'll give you a possible tileset, but we don't have to use it. If we don't, you can keep it and use it. I think it is pretty good.

Teh ubez

I'm bored of speaking with a scholarly tone, so here comes WoW talk. It is so fun. @ atob: 5/5 there is a reason why this style is being used multiple times, and I think you know why. Wherever you go you will find these because they are fun. And rule, I have a looooooooong ways to go before I pass you :)
As for a collab, I am thinking flowy action. I'll give you a possible tileset, but we don't have to use it. If we don't, you can keep it and use it. I think it is pretty good.

Teh ubez

I'm bored of speaking with a scholarly tone, so here comes WoW talk. It is so fun. @ atob: 5/5 there is a reason why this style is being used multiple times, and I think you know why. Wherever you go you will find these because they are fun. And rule, I have a looooooooong ways to go before I pass you :)
As for a collab, I am thinking flowy action. I'll give you a possible tileset, but we don't have to use it. If we don't, you can keep it and use it. I think it is pretty good.
The only thing that matters is if it's good.
is deciding what feeback to accept or reject, and what feedback to act on or ignore.

You seem to disagree with atob's opinion, so why take it to heart?

It was a little repetitive and I think the trapdoor would have been better suited for the third section instead of the second. 2.5 rounded up