new idea.

Thumbnail of the map 'new idea.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven door eerie race rated teleporter
Created 2008-10-14
Last Modified 2008-10-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I am fairly sure this is a new idea, not sure though.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'door-erie 2' Thumbnail of the map 'first map' Thumbnail of the map 'door-eerie 3' Thumbnail of the map 'door-eerie 4' Thumbnail of the map 'ded to gods_reaper' Thumbnail of the map 'nreality door-eerie'
door-erie 2 first map door-eerie 3 door-eerie 4 ded to gods_reaper nreality door-eerie


Pages: (0)

What's new?

Not including the fact that the map is very short, and the teleporter allows the player to skip part of the map, thinking that this is new in any way, either through the use of teleporting or calling it a race is just not true.

wow, 5 users and 0 ratings.


Demo Data
Demo Data

It's cheatable.

Demo Data

this is as fast as I can go.
Demo Data

cant beat power

this is the best i can do.
Demo Data

a race has tiles.
But there isn't much different between a door eerie and a door eerie race :/



door eerie race. yeah, definitely been done.
probably not. at least it's well executed. but why don't you try making a door eerie longer than 30 seconds?

Shpeedy demo

Demo Data

a door eerie race.


So what's the idea again?
Other than that, nicely done. 3, try making bigger ones, possibly with a zap drone behind you.