door-eerie 3

Thumbnail of the map 'door-eerie 3'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven door eerie unrated
Created 2008-10-13
Last Modified 2008-10-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I took eganic's advice, hope it is not too hard.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'door-erie 2' Thumbnail of the map 'first map'
door-erie 2 first map


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I don't see why everyone is saying it's so hard. Although it's completely different to my dooreeries it's still fun.
Demo Data

actually, I retract that, if you want a ded go to my fourth map.


to the fastest agd.


will somebody please tell me how to change my avatar.

btw, here is (slow) agd for skepticals.
Demo Data


thats what i was thinking...

make one map at a time like everyone else :/
if you need to save one, put the data in a word document and save that. just that simple.


I do not know how to save maps, so the only way I can save them is to submit them, besides, imo survivals are not good ways to start. (you are not exactly Mr. been here for years either).


are you submitting maps too fast? becouse your threee maps seemed to have been made very quickly compared to others and door eeries are not a so good thing to start out with when it comes to first maps
Not too sure if the entire thing is possible, especially the end.

Did you

beat it before you posted? Cus im not sure if its possible...


playtest your maps to make sure they're possible. this ones a little sketchy :/


hiding enemies is rarely a good thing plus this is waaaay to hard :/ its good how you tried though NR cause i cant get close to completing it.