door-erie 2

Thumbnail of the map 'door-erie 2'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven door erie unrated
Created 2008-10-13
Last Modified 2008-10-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I think that I will make a map series, each time getting bigger, what do you think.


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my first map sucked

but look at the door-eerie part of it. its the only door eerie i've ever made and you notice how i added thwumps to it to make it special. HUH? (mapmaker name) commented that it was an interesting idea, so i know i was getting somewhere by making it 'special'

GHM is right.

make a door eerie, sure, but its only special if its the first one made (i dont think this is :P) or if you add something special to it. i see you tried to do that with the 'getting bigger and bigger' idea, but i dunno if thats quite good enough :/

Not bad

But put door eerie in a search engine and youll see what people can come up with :P


so, what do you think.