door-eerie 4

Thumbnail of the map 'door-eerie 4'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven door door-eerie eerie rated
Created 2008-10-13
Last Modified 2008-10-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description this is possible, if you need demo, ask.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'door-erie 2' Thumbnail of the map 'first map' Thumbnail of the map 'door-eerie 3'
door-erie 2 first map door-eerie 3


Pages: (0)

this one is entertaining : ]

this one is entertaining : ]

Fastest Demo

lol thats a first ... really fun ... i took a new sorta direction? anyways 4
Demo Data

cool, everybody is being so kind...
It's up to you if you want to make another one or not...

do you still really want it.

aaarrrgh!! I already made the ded.

Faster demo

This was actually a pretty fun door eerie, because of the seeker drone. 4/5.

790 frames.
Demo Data

i submited it.

i ment dedicate a map for you.

I mean what do you mean by it DEDed to me.


Pretty hard


a DED is a dedicated map you make for some one else.

nice demo

what do you mean.
btw I beat your run.
Demo Data

w/e mean

what ever hey if you want i made a Door eerie. want it to be DEDed to you?

btw, what does w/e mean

lol and

i watched yours =/

I had to look at L55's demo to go so fast.


took me like 20 trys to beat you

dang!!!!!!!!! :)

w/e lol

why you complaining =D


by 8 frames
Demo Data

lol you byaccidentally rated it 5.


dude thats hard but slower than lightning
Demo Data

but it has to beat mine first. mwah hah hah.
Demo Data

I said it on my last map but I am going to also have it here, fastest demo gets ded.

Quite a bit faster

Demo Data

Slow demo...

Demo Data

pretty sweet