Featured Maps: 189 to 10
Featured map for 2015-05-21: Mess to the Masses by Izzy
The rocket-bounceblock combination has been responsible for playing an integral role in some of the greatest N maps ever produced. Part of the theme’s appeal is that a skilled ninja can exploit the homing turret’s critical weakness: a relatively wide turning circle. Izzy has designed this map in such a way that the enemies work harmoniously to keep you under a near-constant threat of impending doom. The middle trio of mines will challenge your timing and agility, and the overall map—as you would expect from a highscorer—is particularly conducive to competitive replayability. — ska
Featured map for 2015-05-20: Another Little Green Girl by necrosolarion
Be prepared to enjoy this map.
If you’re lucky, the mere act of expectation will be enough.
The placebo effect will kick in, and you’ll think this map is
the most amazing you’ve ever played.
Some of us are not that lucky, but don’t worry:
I think you’ll find that this map is very, very fun without your help.
— script
Featured map for 2015-05-19: Obscene by lfaber
When I first played this map, I didn’t like it. The chainguns were overpowering, the tileset looked weird and getting the gold was annoying.
And yet, something drew me in. I couldn’t stop playing it, and with every violent death the ninja suffered at my inept hands, this map grew on me.
What I thought overpowering became a great challenge, what first looked weird became unique and interesting, what initially annoyed me made me applaud lfaber’s and Aidiera’s creative gold placement.
Give this map a chance, and the only obscene thing will be the amount of fun you’re having.
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-05-18: Anschein by Yahoozy
Hello. If we don't get more Reviewers, we'll have to go back to once-a-week reviews. I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it's what you all as a community would like. Message me if you're willing to submit at least two or three a month.
And yes, it's true. I promoted myself just to feature this map. Deal with it. Everything about this map is perfect, and that's the goddamn truth.
*cue the haters*
— Aidiera
Featured map for 2015-05-17: Songhai Dream by sekou-fofana
The Songhai court coveted jewels above all things. Lords and ladies from the upper echelons of Songhai society would often be buried in magnificent tombs, lavishly decorated with the vast collections of gems and gold they had bult up during their lives.
Their once resplendant graves have now been subjected to decay and rust, but the vast treasures lie there still. Which, my friend, is where you come in.
Chests filled to the brim, fountains of gold, countless hidden caveats. A word of caution, however. Even in death, the Songhai do not part with their fortunes lightly.
— _destiny^-
Featured map for 2015-05-16: Contractually Late by RandomDigits
Dad: You’re late again!
Son: I know, Daaad, I’m supposed to be late, that’s what I get paid for.
Dad: But that doesn't make much sense to me.
Son: It doesn't matter if it makes sense! Everyone else had to sign the same contract.
*The dad looks at his son, and sighs deeply.*
Dad: Well, I guess if you are contractually late it's OK. Why don’t you sit down and eat your dinner?
Son: No, I’m too late.
*The dad looks away as his son leaves.*
Dad: Bye, Too Late. I’m Dad...
— CF
Featured map for 2015-05-13: Planet Telex by Arona_Daal
Next on our interplanetary sight-seeing tour, you can see planet Telex to your right, number one supplier of gold throughout the galaxy. Due to both a tight system of security robots – theft has been a rampant problem in the past – and a toxic atmosphere that kills within minutes, a visit is not possible – not that there's much to see, aside from craggy rocks as far as the eye can see. Now, were it not for -
Hey! What are you doing? Don't open that door! No, stop!
I really should stop mentioning the gold, shouldn't I?
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-05-11: Stepping Stones by Aetherium
You feel it: It can’t be far away, the golden treasure of Aetherium. Many explorers have died trying to find it, but you’re closer than anyone has ever been before. Jumping over a crevice with ease, you enter the infamous chamber and see that it was worth all the effort. You drop down onto a few stepping stones leading to the heart of the room. Having eyes for nothing but the gold you go on when you suddenly hear bullets hitting the wall right next to you, missing you by only a few inches. You’ve made a huge mistake. — macrohenry
Featured map for 2015-05-08: Under Terra Alta by Pheidippides
When Jack was young he loved to explore. How many days had he slipped away from his home on the outskirts, and adventured through the dense woodlands?
And then one day it was all worth it. A windmill, unused for hundreds of years, awakens to his presence. Inexplicably, the ground begins to shake, and rise. Slowly the windmill began to rise above the earth.
Instinct told Jack to run, jump down before it was too late. But Jack knew his destiny was waiting for him at the top. He did the only thing he could.
He began to climb.
— _destiny^-
Featured map for 2015-05-07: ethereal by Invalid
The beauty of this map is how you don’t notice the weirdness initially. At first, you’re all like “I got this”, opening doors just in time for that drone to pass through.
And then it gets weird really fast.
The first time it happens, you’ll be dumbstruck for a second, then panic. The rules are out the window now – anything could happen! You’ll scramble, screw up easy jumps and almost definitely fail.
All that is part of the experience this map provides. You’ll come back to it, dying as often as needed until you finally beat this ethereal masterpiece.
— lifdoff