Mazealicious (Bonus!)

Thumbnail of the map 'Mazealicious (Bonus!)'

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Author gggorillaz
Tags action author:gggorillaz playable unrated
Created 2006-06-13
Last Modified 2006-06-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Fastest AGD gets a rating of 5 on three of their maps and a ded. comp ends 08/01/2006

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sufi' Thumbnail of the map 'The Teleporter' Thumbnail of the map 'teleporting dda' Thumbnail of the map 'Minesweeper' Thumbnail of the map 'Bi0h@zrd' Thumbnail of the map 'Do-It-Yourself'
Sufi The Teleporter teleporting dda Minesweeper Bi0h@zrd Do-It-Yourself


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its not mostly about guessing. it involves little to no guessing if you are cautious when entering a tunnel with gold at the end. the MAJORITY of the tunnels have switches in them. there happens to be ONLY ONE tunnel that isnt necessary for the bare minimum, making an AGD almost mandatory.the gold wasnt placed randomly, it was placed impatiently. i used no snap, where quarter snap would have been best. im going to fix that just for your sake, because i dont think anyone else would have a major problem with it. as soon as i see at least a rating of this map (maybe just one vote!) ill post my AGD of it. just to show you that skill is involved, plus theres a minimal amount of practice and guesswork. you probably didnt beat it or you wouldnt say that is was all about guessing.


I didn't feel like taking the time to explain.
But I don't have anything else to do now, so why not.
I don't like the:
-hidden enemies and switches
-the level is about guessing, not skill(partially, at least.)
-the gold is obviously not organized, and placed randomly.
-the majority of the tunnels don't do squat unless you go for an AGD.


agreed, explanations r good. however, Ive learned that people have something against hidden enemies, and I just found out I have a real problem with chain gun drones that cant move hidden under gold. So in the end, I m with deathcloud.


cuz you couldn't beat it? its not supposed to be tricky or anything. its supposed to be like an action puzzle. if youre gonna call a level crappy, at least have the dignity to explain yourself!

Crappy level.

Seriously crappy.