
Thumbnail of the map 'Do-It-Yourself'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gggorillaz
Tags author:gggorillaz incomplete unrated
Created 2006-06-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I couldn't think of a good way to finish this or continue it. Maybe you can. Give me some credit if you use it, and tell me if you do so i can see what youve thought of.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sufi' Thumbnail of the map 'The Teleporter' Thumbnail of the map 'teleporting dda' Thumbnail of the map 'Minesweeper' Thumbnail of the map 'Bi0h@zrd'
Sufi The Teleporter teleporting dda Minesweeper Bi0h@zrd


Pages: (0)


then. I promise you the same. ^_^

No deal

i will, however, make honest comments with no bias and will rate your maps what they deserve. i wont give crap ratings for no reason. i expect the same.
Its the fact my newest maps which I worked the most on got sniped. Lets call it a truce, eh? I wont comment on a map unless it is positive, and you promise me the same.
Cant we all just get along? XP!


i went back and gave MORE maps a five than i did a zero! come on dude, check you comments/ratings before yellin at me! i already apologized for sniping them a few days ago, and i rated a bunch of em FIVE! and i only posted it because i was bored with it. my brother wanted to mess with it, but i wanted to make a new one, so i just posted it as incomplete!! its very easy to fix the things that are wrong, but i just didnt feel like it! chill man!


What is the point of posting a broken map? All it has is a broken half-teleporter, and other launchpads-gone-wrong-deathtraps.
That, and it pushed someone else off the newest page.

No rating.

-Also, why did you snipe my maps..?!