In Reverse

Thumbnail of the map 'In Reverse'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ENT474
Tags action author:ent474 playable prison unrated
Created 2012-03-28
Last Modified 2012-03-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A repost of a map from NARC. Really awesome, collab with sayko (hope he's still lurking here somewhere), nJoy.
I am ecstatic that NUMA is supposed to be back up. Wait and see... wait and see.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '03-2: Goldgoldgold!' Thumbnail of the map '03-3: Get down to buisness' Thumbnail of the map '03-4: 555 is not unlike 666' Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud Hopping' Thumbnail of the map 'Gaetkeeper' Thumbnail of the map 'Creator of the Landscape'
03-2: Goldgoldgold! 03-3: Get down to buisness 03-4: 555 is not unlike 666 Cloud Hopping Gaetkeeper Creator of the Landscape


Pages: (0)

To be honest,

I felt that the item placement in this whole map was off; not extremely bad, but off, yes.


I think I have few reasons why I do not post on some good maps:

The obvious reason is: I might not notice some good maps.

Another one: My demos suck. How can I give an oppinion about a map, when I am not good at this game? If I had to post a comment on every map, I would just type "Nice, cool, but too hard for me." or "Check some other maps and steal some ideas from them, hopefully you will be a great mapmapker some day."

I did best I could, but I failed. All Gold Death Demo - 6.
It was my first attempt to get to the door + The bottom rocket gold was too annoying.

The 2 seeker drones were awesome, you need to get the timing well. I see lots of interesting ideas put in here.

Cute - I'm afraid I can't vote though - my vote rights are disabled due to abusing a bug.. lol. xD
Demo Data

Death demo.

This is... wow
Demo Data

i can´t beat this
i just can´t


Demo Data

and I have a new one, , check also ;P

4/5 because maybe be a little overloaded.
You've played my 'Over Quota' map, what you think?

Cool one from you both, I like sayko Mapping too
Some very nice use of mechanics here. Good work, you two.