Creator of the Landscape

Thumbnail of the map 'Creator of the Landscape'

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Author ENT474
Tags action author:ent474 de playable unrated
Created 2011-11-05
Last Modified 2011-11-05
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Long time no see. I REALLY like this map, RCE. It's a door erie/action map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '03-1: You meanie.' Thumbnail of the map '03-2: Goldgoldgold!' Thumbnail of the map '03-3: Get down to buisness' Thumbnail of the map '03-4: 555 is not unlike 666' Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud Hopping' Thumbnail of the map 'Gaetkeeper'
03-1: You meanie. 03-2: Goldgoldgold! 03-3: Get down to buisness 03-4: 555 is not unlike 666 Cloud Hopping Gaetkeeper


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definetly much better.
I've read that you usually don't really like my maps.
You can explain why? I'm near 250 and two years mapping, and several mappacks, and I think it is good to receive criticism and advice, if you can? thanks
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