03-4: 555 is not unlike 666

Thumbnail of the map '03-4: 555 is not unlike 666'

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Author ENT474
Tags 03-4 action author:ent474 kobold unrated
Created 2011-04-18
Last Modified 2011-04-18
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I really like this map.

RCE :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02-3: MOUNTAINLAZORBEAM' Thumbnail of the map '02-4: It's MAPDRAFT, foo' Thumbnail of the map '03-0: The Maniacal House' Thumbnail of the map '03-1: You meanie.' Thumbnail of the map '03-2: Goldgoldgold!' Thumbnail of the map '03-3: Get down to buisness'
02-3: MOUNTAINLAZORBEAM 02-4: It's MAPDRAFT, foo 03-0: The Maniacal House 03-1: You meanie. 03-2: Goldgoldgold! 03-3: Get down to buisness


Pages: (0)

like that MetaNet 5-tile map.
Demo Data

Let's collab.




This is great

Cramped, yes. But that just gives it a certain atmosphere that worked well with this map.

just a reminder -

the due date for project race 6 was today. you can still enter a map, though, in the next few days, if you still want to be in it.


Demo Data

2.5 / 5 down

I dont like the very cramped rooms, not enough room to dodge and get creative. I felt it was alittle overkill

4,5/5 up

Gameplay area looks like cramped, but with these enemy placement it becomes challenging and enjoyable. I really liked it.