
Thumbnail of the map 'Integrated'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Hisky
Tags action author:hisky fun integrate pipes rated rocket
Created 2011-02-06
Last Modified 2011-02-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description A fun and stylish map,

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Discharge' Thumbnail of the map 'Klassic' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Vivid Grey' Thumbnail of the map 'Possible Square' Thumbnail of the map 'True Ninja'
Discharge Klassic Night Way Vivid Grey Possible Square True Ninja


Pages: (0)

Thanks man :P
One of your best maps! 5aved! And added you to my favorite authors list!
Demo Data

Thanks everyone :)
Especially Sunset ;]

Really cool

but the drones do practically nothing and the map's too long.

3.5^ anyway
I felt this was far too open; it seemed as if the drones did nothing. The gold pattern was unfitting with the concept of the map, and the journey from door-openers to exit-opener to exit was far too long and uneventful.

2.5 but I'll round up. Keep working, because you're clearly getting better.

one of you best maps

Demo Data