Possible Square

Thumbnail of the map 'Possible Square'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Hisky
Tags author:hisky impossible n-art possible rated
Created 2011-02-03
Last Modified 2011-02-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Has this been done before?
If so, im sorry for wasting your time.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Expose and Liberate' Thumbnail of the map 'Flashback' Thumbnail of the map 'Discharge' Thumbnail of the map 'Klassic' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Vivid Grey'
Expose and Liberate Flashback Discharge Klassic Night Way Vivid Grey


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technically penrose only did the triangle... but its the same idea. primary difference: i believe the square con be constructed.

and this is not a square.
But not this one.

thanks ;]
but I haven't seen this one. looks cool.

didnt know it was called that :P