User information for "{bleh}"
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Maps | 50 (Show all) |
Rated Maps | 0 (Show all) |
Favorites | 81 (Show all) |
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Total Ratings | 271 |
yes, today (8/11/10) after two and a half weeks with my computer being out of commission because of a broken backlight, it finally came back and i was so happy that i went on and beat the 90s column and finally finished!!!
today (9/22/10) i finished the standard userlevels! that just leaves nreality (v6d4) and 150 (good) maps on NUMA before i have finished everything i believe this game has to offer. But i'm nowhere near either of those, so i'll be here for a while
so my progress was lost. but everything has been remedied, and i have finished the game again (10/25/10), and have gotten farther in nreality than i was. im happy again!
thanks to everyone who rates and/or comments on my maps...
my best maps:
- Sunrise, Sunset []<-- requires nreality
- Loquacity []
- Грязной водой нельзя стирать (You Cannot Wash Dirty Water) []
- unspammed version of last map []
- Falling to Pieces []
- Teaser [] <-- requires nreality
- Phobia []
collab with AVATAR_FANATIC [] RATE IT!!!!!!!!!

imma call this a mappack... theyre simple challenges. try 'em!
я хочу съесть ваш кала []
Poisoned Fish Heads. []
Stoppin' on a Dime []
Valley of Ashes []