Vivid Grey

Thumbnail of the map 'Vivid Grey'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Hisky
Tags author:hisky fun medium path puzzle rated
Created 2011-02-02
Last Modified 2011-02-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A fun map, give it a go :]

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Leave' Thumbnail of the map 'Expose and Liberate' Thumbnail of the map 'Flashback' Thumbnail of the map 'Discharge' Thumbnail of the map 'Klassic' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Way'
Leave Expose and Liberate Flashback Discharge Klassic Night Way


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half great and half bad
There are cool parts and a good tileset but there are some blemishes, the normal door is useless and some ways donĀ“t useful

Thanks man :)


Feels episodish, like in the mid-20s column. 4/5 and faved!
Demo Data

Lol ;] pretty nice demo


This sickness hasn't gotten to the best of me yet. :D
Demo Data

Lol i hate it when that happens :P


Silly me.
Demo Data