
Thumbnail of the map 'Doxagon'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Naythan
Tags action author:naythan fun gauss medium playable unrated
Created 2011-01-25
Last Modified 2011-01-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's got a basic visual theme, some gold, some mines, some drones, a turret, some bounce blocks, some bounce pads, some one way floors, some doors, some locked doors, and some trap doors. Of course, all that smattering of colors creates a level. Step inside the Doxagon (Yes, I just made that up).

Other maps by this author

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Abandoned Carnival Dash Pseudopseudo Frustration


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but cheatable.
Demo Data
but otherwise - pretty fun. Welcome to NUMA! You will find some tips on my profile page - just scroll down.

Four. :)