
Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration'

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Author Naythan
Tags author:naythan dda rocket unrated
Created 2011-01-22
Last Modified 2011-01-22
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, this is my first DDA. I was mostly experimenting with most of the different techniques I've seen for DDAs--hence the lack of theme--and I'd love some constructive criticism. All I know is, if I was the rocket turret I'd be simmering with, well... you know.

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Thank you

for the input. I shall use less launchpads next time, and check out those maps.


Action = 2
Thwumpnail = 3
Duration = 2
no lunchpads? = no
Starterbonus = 4
Total = 3

he's right. but 3 is too high. if you're going to use gold delay, it should be for bounceblock or normal door propulsion.


for a first DDA. I'll give it a 3. The reason being that launchpads are the main form of propulsion. You do use other forms like thwumps and trap doors. There are better forms like bounce blocks and normal doors.

Take a look at my two DDAs ( the first one is similar to this):

Bald Eagle DDA []- this uses an example of bounce blocks.

Rocket Rocker []- play this where you make maps, or NED. This uses the trap doors.