My friend made you all a map.

Thumbnail of the map 'My friend made you all a map.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author NachoCheese
Tags author:nachocheese nreality rated
Created 2010-12-29
Last Modified 2010-12-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is //NReality//, BTW.
She hopes you all enjoy it.
Have fun everyone! :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm a tad confused.' Thumbnail of the map 'I still don't get it...' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja-storm.' Thumbnail of the map 'I learnt triggers and I did something really cool.' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump around.' Thumbnail of the map 'Boomstick McShootington.'
I'm a tad confused. I still don't get it... Ninja-storm. I learnt triggers and I did something really cool. Jump around. Boomstick McShootington.


Pages: (0)


Hours of endless fun. 4aved
Demo Data

Okay. I've got it figured out. The ?13 mod was messing it up. I will recreate the image, add a ?3 mod, and then test it. (The ?3 mod decreases the glow and I want to increase it some)
but for some reason, I showed up navy blue instead of black. There is also a white outline on the sloped sections but that will be fixed when I get done with my schoolwork. GTG

I can also increase the glow and/or remove any shading of the tiles you don't want.

Will this work? I messed with some image mods and found that when your ninja's light touches a tile, it gives off a green glow.

First try AGD.
Demo Data


It seems like 79 frames is maximal.
Demo Data

Fuck you all!

Demo Data

AGD - 2

Tried it 10 minutes for another route.
Then changed the starting direction.
First try completion.

Also, your friend is an NReality master.
Demo Data

Amusing map. I loaded it up wondering where the switch was, then began to sling out a massive amount of profanities as I saw it. Behind a thump. Flying at the speed of light.

I do think it would be best if you began, since you are the one that came up with the idea. I only have a vague clue about what's in your mind there. Also, you enver seem to have shot me a PM - or did I just never receive it?
since your friend made this. And I surprised myself with that demo, I didn't think I can get it in only 90 frames ;)
But I doubted my friend would give me a map that was impossible... thank you Iban! :D


Demo Data

I need a demo

I don't think it's possible.


I don't have NReality. D: