User information for "tempaccount"

Maps 2 (Show all)
Rated Maps 0 (Show all)
Favorites 102 (Show all)
Featured Maps 1 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 14


Fall break!

Putting together compilation videos (HD) [] of featured maps and other stuff, there's also a video of the 2010 Dronies nominees. If I can get better at video-making I'd definitely plan on making a few more in the future (thinking of doing a NReality maps video, hence why my favorites is filled with them).

Used to use the account "az_jps" (don't look at the maps from that account, they're pretty bad =p) and still use it for submitting NReality runs, but I've pretty much transitioned to this temporary account.

Silly stuff

  • Ratings: I always rate a first map with at least a 4. Don't bite []! In general I won't rate anything that clear effort has been put into less than a 3.
  • Runs: Not a highscorer by any means but there are a few runs I'm proud of. At least three top-5 highscores in NReality 100-199
  • Maps: I've submitted a grand total of two maps so far (spent an average of a week on each, not so that the quality is exceptionally high, but because I'm a horrendously slow mapper). Mostly interested in doing NReality maps.

Recent Favorites

Thumbnail of the map 'We take levels for granted.' Thumbnail of the map 'WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC NOW.' Thumbnail of the map 'Let Life Propel You' Thumbnail of the map 'The mines will wait, so don't be late.' Thumbnail of the map 'Halloween Feature Ahoy!' Thumbnail of the map 'Drugs, My Dear Watson'
We take levels for granted. WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC NOW. Let Life Propel You The mines will wait, so don't be late. Halloween Feature Ahoy! Drugs, My Dear Watson