
Thumbnail of the map 'Immolate'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Yahoozy
Tags author:yahoozy playable rated
Created 2010-08-09
Last Modified 2010-08-09
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Immolate

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Sirens' Thumbnail of the map 'Ex éleveur de renards argentés' Thumbnail of the map 'Why Hide' Thumbnail of the map 'You're Home' Thumbnail of the map 'Transcript' Thumbnail of the map 'No Smoke'
The Sirens Ex éleveur de renards argentés Why Hide You're Home Transcript No Smoke


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Demo Data
you made a crappy map??? ever

I'm all for making mappers better but 1. I don't think i'm in a position to be taken seriously by others because i'm not a fabulous mapper myself, and 2. I know how new mappers act. I still am one. I know who isn't one.

it felt strange jumping from large triangles to smaller ones, like the ninja was receding into the distance but remaining the same size.


Demo Data



Pretty fun

but not as fun as your other maps. 3.

liked it

. didn't like the drone fucking I got in the end.
Demo Data


I didn't like the mine hallway, but the rest was great. 4aved.
Demo Data

Very fun

As with all yahoozy maps.
Demo Data


i like the concept in the middle section just above the floorguard, where there's stuff right above your head, but you can't reach it
fun map