Rocky Village
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personally really enjoyed this, had very nice flow, and yes, the aesthetics had some flaws, but only around the loops in my opinion.
I'm dead serious when I say I think you should revise it. The basic flow setup is excellent, but is marred by bad aesthetics and a few bad flow spots. You could also stand to improve the well-integration category by adding a few well-placed enemies and modifying the tileset to take advantage of them and use them in exciting ways. If you want, I can give you more detailed technical feedback, but you're on your own with aesthetics ;)
Anyway, of all the races I've seen, this is way up there it terms of "needs revision"---not that it's bad, but it has so much potential, while there are lots of other races out there that are just meh to start out with.
Anyway, of all the races I've seen, this is way up there it terms of "needs revision"---not that it's bad, but it has so much potential, while there are lots of other races out there that are just meh to start out with.
GREGOR says...
Generic RacE Grading O' Rubric (GREGOR)
Subscore Section
Fun Value: 9/10. Comments: Loads of fun. Speedy, even climactic in some areas. Definitely enjoyable.
Flowiness: 9/10. Comments: Super flowy except for a few parts (for example, the central right loop seemed clippy).
Aesthetics: 4/6. Comments: IMO, the race's definite weak point. You didn't really do a good job of establishing an aesthetic theme; it just seems sort of slapped on.
(9+9+4)/6 = 3.67/4 *subscore*
Multiplier Section: Scored in increments of x0.05
Originality : 1.05. Comments: The final launch pad was a nice spark of originality, but there was nothing substantial.
Well-Integration : 1.05. Comments: You get points here for good enemy usage.
Replay Value : 1.0. Comments: Nope
Other Gimmicks : 1.0. Comments: None
3.67 multiplied by all multipliers = 4.05/5
rit0987, this is truly a diamond in the rough. I think it's worth polishing.
Subscore Section
Fun Value: 9/10. Comments: Loads of fun. Speedy, even climactic in some areas. Definitely enjoyable.
Flowiness: 9/10. Comments: Super flowy except for a few parts (for example, the central right loop seemed clippy).
Aesthetics: 4/6. Comments: IMO, the race's definite weak point. You didn't really do a good job of establishing an aesthetic theme; it just seems sort of slapped on.
(9+9+4)/6 = 3.67/4 *subscore*
Multiplier Section: Scored in increments of x0.05
Originality : 1.05. Comments: The final launch pad was a nice spark of originality, but there was nothing substantial.
Well-Integration : 1.05. Comments: You get points here for good enemy usage.
Replay Value : 1.0. Comments: Nope
Other Gimmicks : 1.0. Comments: None
3.67 multiplied by all multipliers = 4.05/5
rit0987, this is truly a diamond in the rough. I think it's worth polishing.
the last launchpad
was nice; everything else was...well, i'm not even going to offer an opinion on it. that's not to say that it's entirely bad, but it's not good either. both the individual sections of flow and the flow in general were boring. it felt like just a bunch of basic curve/transition sections strung together to make a passable path. if you want to improve, you're going to have to do a whole lot more than that.
this is a whole lot better than what I've seen earlier. I'm really liking your aesthetics lately.
Speedrun demo
I am /so/ proud of myself. Cornerjump and all.
Demo Data |
I love it.
4/5. I liked the launchpad at the end.
This is your best race yet by a whole country lane. Clearly you pulled all the stops out this time ^^
That laser was awesome, as was the section of flow between coming down from the top, then back up to the top left really quickly. Loved that.
That laser was awesome, as was the section of flow between coming down from the top, then back up to the top left really quickly. Loved that.
Demo Data |
AfterTheRain's demo is faster :P