Wild Life

Thumbnail of the map 'Wild Life'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rit0987
Tags author:rit0987 collab fun race rated tough viil
Created 2009-10-08
Last Modified 2011-03-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Collab with Viil []


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ancient Wreckage' Thumbnail of the map 'Sho Sho' Thumbnail of the map 'Technological Basement' Thumbnail of the map 'Midnight Reunion' Thumbnail of the map 'Inner Peace' Thumbnail of the map 'Anybody There?'
Ancient Wreckage Sho Sho Technological Basement Midnight Reunion Inner Peace Anybody There?


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But some parts like the part after the top left bounce block or when you come back to the lower left area are too rough in my opinon :P... The enemies are well placed; the second rocket got me pretty often, but I jumped too long, so that's my fault >.<...
Well, the tiles and the atmosphere are nice and the launchpad+bounceblock on the top left are awesome, so 4/5. :]
Demo Data

Nice job, guys

I really like the route that the race took, although passing down into the left side was a bit of a bump as you went through the one-ways. The top right bounceblock was well placed. The whole thing was pretty cool, really. 4.5v
Demo Data


the flow was sorta rough i it, but there was still cool sections and a good theme.
i didn't find it that hard either, just getting it perfect was annoying - hence the lack of a demo ^^

The rocket never got me. I have to agree that some spots were pretty annoying.:/

Sorry, guys

I just don't like it. The flow is frequently interrupted, and single-tile-height walljumps are a huge nuisance. The rocket kept on getting me as well.
...and i took a shortcut 4/5
Demo Data


demo :D
Demo Data


i kinda realize what everyone was going about on my last map [] with the very difficult jump off the single vertical tile.

However, this is IMMENSLY more difficult to me because the jumps are more unexpected than my map, (my opinion) =P

Demo Data