Wild Life
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But some parts like the part after the top left bounce block or when you come back to the lower left area are too rough in my opinon :P... The enemies are well placed; the second rocket got me pretty often, but I jumped too long, so that's my fault >.<...
Well, the tiles and the atmosphere are nice and the launchpad+bounceblock on the top left are awesome, so 4/5. :]
Well, the tiles and the atmosphere are nice and the launchpad+bounceblock on the top left are awesome, so 4/5. :]
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Nice job, guys
I really like the route that the race took, although passing down into the left side was a bit of a bump as you went through the one-ways. The top right bounceblock was well placed. The whole thing was pretty cool, really. 4.5v
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the flow was sorta rough i it, but there was still cool sections and a good theme.
i didn't find it that hard either, just getting it perfect was annoying - hence the lack of a demo ^^
i didn't find it that hard either, just getting it perfect was annoying - hence the lack of a demo ^^
Sorry, guys
I just don't like it. The flow is frequently interrupted, and single-tile-height walljumps are a huge nuisance. The rocket kept on getting me as well.
i finished it in my first try...
...and i took a shortcut 4/5
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