It is Spreading ...

Thumbnail of the map 'It is Spreading ...'

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Author Kool-aid
Tags author:kool-aid cancerous-tomb gauss rated
Created 2009-05-13
Last Modified 2009-05-13
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description hmmm .... carter ... the day has come. Your voice will be heard directly in the coven, your values will be compromised for your insolence. People. It is Spreading .. It is time

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR' Thumbnail of the map 'Straight to Video' Thumbnail of the map 'Goonies never say die' Thumbnail of the map 'Treachery . when the clock strikes reign' Thumbnail of the map 'Vagabonds' Thumbnail of the map 'Carnage Awakening'
VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR Straight to Video Goonies never say die Treachery . when the clock strikes reign Vagabonds Carnage Awakening


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looks cool, plays cool.
It can be completed with lots of different routes. any path is acceptable

the overall outcome is what matter's, and I really don't think your frame count will be faster by that little innov :\


I die before getting the switch but you get the idea.
Demo Data

i hate to advertise

but could you look at my map? it's been 30 minutes and it's gotten virtually no attention.
but i agree with apse; the gameplay is solid and well-thought-out. 3/5
really like this. well thought out, and the gauss turrets were really refreshing combined with the tiles. the bottom section was fantastic as well.
and the TS was supposed to look like this, It's the theme along with my mappack, a certain style. I know it's your opinion but w/e :/
but looks and feels bad...

try to make the tileset nicer next time. This one feels... Picasso-y.