Carnage Awakening

Thumbnail of the map 'Carnage Awakening'

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Author Kool-aid
Tags action author:kool-aid cancerous-tomb rated
Created 2009-05-02
Last Modified 2009-05-02
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description The hardest I've probably ever worked on a map.

in my on-going map-pack "cancerous-tomb".

blamage .. rce folks

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Linalool / Parfum' Thumbnail of the map 'VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR' Thumbnail of the map 'Straight to Video' Thumbnail of the map 'Goonies never say die' Thumbnail of the map 'Treachery . when the clock strikes reign' Thumbnail of the map 'Vagabonds'
Linalool / Parfum VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR Straight to Video Goonies never say die Treachery . when the clock strikes reign Vagabonds


Pages: (0)

Pretty easy map

your hard work comes through


Just kidding
What'd u rate BTW?
About this:


...faster AGD...
Demo Data

foolish all gold.

nice little flowy map.
Demo Data


Contrary to what bobaganuesh said, I think the gausses were better used than the rockets (I passed by the first rocket without any trouble at all, on my first try, and it only fired once).
Demo Data
You've got the basics down, imo. Not feeling the linearity, though.


more bounceblocks/passages, less doors would have made it much more flowy. Best part by far was the bottom right room with the gold.
Demo Data

feels contrived

despite the sparodic placement (which seems to serve aesthetics more than gameplay) the action is pretty dull. both guass turrets were only good for a few shots, unless the player is that slow, only the rockets were well used. the psuedo-flow you tried to create with the tiles didn't work out, it only hindered the gameplay all the more. some useless object placements, but lets be frank here, the map as a whole gave off an unispired vibe to me. 2.5/5
Demo Data


...i agree with sayko and gladiator6423...and ill be over in half hour also :P...i have never lost in beer pong...
...improvable AGD...easily 5/5...
Demo Data




Amazing gameplay in every section. Everything was just great. 6/5 saved. I'd say the best map I've played in a week. Way to go. I especially like the multiple paths you can take on anything. The only thing I don't like is the two jumpads. They're annoying when going for the bottom left gold. Maybe just 1?

wow man

your best imo, gameplay was incredibly fun. The tiles were inspiring imo as well. very nice job bro 5aved

oh and I'm leaving in like 30 minutes for that tournament so come over.