
Thumbnail of the map 'Vagabonds'

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Author Kool-aid
Tags author:kool-aid cancerous-tomb collaboration koolab maxilious rated
Created 2009-04-27
Last Modified 2009-10-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description A collab between maxson [] and I.

also in my on-going map-pack

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mangy Resources' Thumbnail of the map 'Linalool / Parfum' Thumbnail of the map 'VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR' Thumbnail of the map 'Straight to Video' Thumbnail of the map 'Goonies never say die' Thumbnail of the map 'Treachery . when the clock strikes reign'
Mangy Resources Linalool / Parfum VIPER REAPER :: TAX COLLECTOR Straight to Video Goonies never say die Treachery . when the clock strikes reign


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fair enough apse

I see and respect your point.


a decent map, but i didn't really enjoy it that much. objects seemed haphazardly placed, and i didn't like the lack of gameplay in the bottom left. nice drone pathing, although it really screwed up the gameplay in some places, and the map would have probably benefited from a few one ways in the air here and there just to offer a safe landing place.
nice tiles, but i found them incredibly awkward, gold was kinda ugly imo, but i did enjoy the rockets in parts, although their placement could have probably been improved.

so not one of my favourites.

ah yes

meat, i agree. let's start over XD

and booster, i may not have placed the floorguard that you speak of, but i thought it provided a nice touch. oh well, to each his own :)

and btw grasshopper, we really must do another collab somewhere down the road :D

really nice, great work on this map, sloppy demo on nreality, but its also an agd, 241? faved


you forgot about our collab
its made of fail already
se lets start over
very nice map btw, I do see both of the authors traits in the map, overall the map felt right, flow-ish 4.5

and booster it's probably for aesthetics. :\
Very Nice but
the floor guard up in the right hand corner
I don't really think it should be there