Breakfast Cereal Mountain

Thumbnail of the map 'Breakfast Cereal Mountain'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 bacon eggs hashbrowns rated
Created 2009-04-30
Last Modified 2009-04-30
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description For Palemoon's MAPDRAFT [] contest.

Here is the packs I used:

- 10 Mines
- 7 Gold
- 1 Chain Gun Drone

Breakfast Virus
- Your map title must have 'Breakfast' in it, and the tags must be 'Eggs', Bacon', and 'Hashbrowns.' No other tags are allowed.

Deus Ex Machina
- 30 'One' Tiles
- 10 'Eight' Tiles
- 5 'Five' Tiles
- 10 'E' Tiles

City 17
- 1 Chain Gun Drone
- 2 Seeker Drones
- 11 Gold
- 2 Locked Doors
- 14 'E' Tiles
- 5 'Five' Tiles

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'We watch you' Thumbnail of the map 'Fijink Heights' Thumbnail of the map 'Mechanism Jungle' Thumbnail of the map 'Intro.' Thumbnail of the map 'Subject 88^.5(DDA)' Thumbnail of the map 'N-C/akerz.'
We watch you Fijink Heights Mechanism Jungle Intro. Subject 88^.5(DDA) N-C/akerz.


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Gold and mine

placement could have been a bit better, imo. I would have preferred it had the switch been in the second chaingun section and the exit had been where the switch currently is, too. Nice enemies, though.


its okay

awesome mapdraft

Did great with what you had 4/5 down


Very well done, the seekers and machineguns are very well used (and so are the mines) - it's hard without being boring. Especially considering it's a mapdraft, this is a very nice map. 4/5 from me.

Only thing I would place my finger on is that it's a classical "there and back again", but I fully understand the idea (and need for it due to restrictions).