Fijink Heights

Thumbnail of the map 'Fijink Heights'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 gold mine prepulsion rated thwump
Created 2009-04-03
Last Modified 2009-04-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to romaniac for his agd in my map We Watch You [].
Edit:Spammed mines fixed.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Catchinator' Thumbnail of the map 'Computer Annivesary' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken light' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Generator' Thumbnail of the map 'Creating Explosives' Thumbnail of the map 'We watch you'
Catchinator Computer Annivesary Broken light Power Generator Creating Explosives We watch you


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This is a nice slow, relaxed level. It was really fun to play this rather than another breakneck speed map. I liked the tileset, I really like the object placement (I think the mines really helped make it look good) and I liked the relaxed feel to it. Great map, 5aved.
Demo Data


This map is clean. It isn't too messy. It is still kinda messy. Thwumps worked on most parts and gold looked good. But mines were spammed.

Solid 3.0
nothing was random, just incredibly easy to get over (cept the end). the beginnin thwump machanism was the best part of the map, other than that I don't have any complaints. nice job
Demo Data


that was one of my first maps, so I was a noob then.
And I don't understand how that's relevant anyway, it doesn't change the fact that I didn't like the mines.


i liked the idea of the thwumps and the gold was placed nicely. and yeah i do think the mines were spam looking and the tileset sorta looked unfinished.
2.5 up




I thought it was a bit shit.
Then this(your map) []is spamming(objects)too.


Mines were spammed, floorguard was pointless...the thwumps were alright and the gold was good.
I'm not a fan, but it's ok.
2.5 up