One way or the slow way

Thumbnail of the map 'One way or the slow way'

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Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx playable rated small
Created 2009-04-02
Last Modified 2009-04-02
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description A few (two) people have requested that i try to make a shorter, or relatively shorter map that usual. This is the final product of my first attempt. I had quite a bit more fun than my usual 10 min map, so i think i'll try this again later. Much Later.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Resub - 33' Thumbnail of the map 'Your time will come' Thumbnail of the map 'When all else fails' Thumbnail of the map 'For times like this' Thumbnail of the map 'Hobo' Thumbnail of the map 'Trees'
Resub - 33 Your time will come When all else fails For times like this Hobo Trees


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Oyeah, 3.5/5^

To me, this map felt to cramped for rockets but their were quite a few well played areas. The first area and the area up top. However, I disliked the rocket near the end.

A poor tileset,

But rather good gameplay, loved the mini-kra at the end 3


The bottom left corner is way too cluttered. Rockets were too restricting, with the exception of the top left rocket. Overall gameplay is good, not great.
fun, and challenging. 4/5


love to remove that rocket, but unfortunately this map has already been rated 7 times too many

Well placed objects. I didn't feel frustrated (on contrary, it was very fun) in the most of the map except for the exit part (those rockets killed me too many times, maybe you should think of removing it). Everything else is good. 4/5

Oh wait.

Bahahahaha. XD

Agree with Nexx.

3.5 as well.

It's alright

You've got some good stuff in there, but the map is frustrating.

I liked a fair amount of the rocketplay, like the rocket at the end, though I wish there was more room for that rocket to stay alive once it gets out of the hall. Also, the trench at the beginning was interesting. Also, for the most part, the tileset, gold, and mines all stick with a theme. But there's still that roughness both in the aesthetics and the gameplay. Aesthetically, some objects aren't placed quite right, and the tileset has some unnecessary breaks in cohesion. In terms of gameplay, I don't like the ditch that the leftmost switch is in, and the rightmost gold patch is just a pain, IMO (i.e. it needs tweaking).


AGD (also on NReality):
Demo Data

I agree...

with StoneySmile, but other than that...
IT was an ok map otherwise. 3/5.


place to put it, i mean


find a better place to find it, while still keeping the difficulty thoughout somewhat steady (until that part)

The rocket

before the exit is frustrating IMO.


almost completion
Demo Data