For times like this

Thumbnail of the map 'For times like this'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx playable rated
Created 2009-01-27
Last Modified 2009-01-27
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's my birthday!!!' Thumbnail of the map '31' Thumbnail of the map 'This is why you need pie' Thumbnail of the map 'Resub - 33' Thumbnail of the map 'Your time will come' Thumbnail of the map 'When all else fails'
It's my birthday!!! 31 This is why you need pie Resub - 33 Your time will come When all else fails


Pages: (0)

Good overall, but I don't care for the tiles.


I dont like mines on the ends of tiles :\


I dont like mines on the ends of tiles :\

My best demo.

I didn't like it.
It's extremely awkward to move around in.
Demo Data
Although I didn't like how everything kind of clashed together.


Too many mines, and the play was generic like DDRave said.
Demo Data


very .......... generic.


It was weird, in a very weirdly weird sort of weirdly weird way.