Don't Wait Me!!

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Wait Me!!'

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Author Tunco123
Tags action author:tunco123 gauss hard mine rated thwump
Created 2009-02-07
Last Modified 2009-04-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Out of sketch.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'İnfinity' Thumbnail of the map 'Little boxes makes difference' Thumbnail of the map 'Margn-marg' Thumbnail of the map 'Tunnel Of Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Faces-Fire!' Thumbnail of the map 'Distractor'
İnfinity Little boxes makes difference Margn-marg Tunnel Of Death Faces-Fire! Distractor


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I think that the mines and thwups didn't blend well together :( But I liked it it was hard and sorda fun. 3/5

Very unappealing.

Too many gausses, the mines under the bounce blocks weren't good and the random doors were just bleh. 2 from me.

you should never have to use random floating doors to block anything from seeing you, you could prolly just get rid of it all together, or just put 1 gauss in a place where its not quite so effective.

i would also try creating less symmetrical maps

Quite hard

Maybe you should remove some gausses.
There was an NaN door at the top of the screen when I played,
and I didn't like the mines under the bounce blocks...
and the mines don't look so good. Try different patterns other than symmetry, and the mines and gold.