
Thumbnail of the map 'Margn-marg'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 mines race rated rocket tileset
Created 2009-02-04
Last Modified 2009-05-10
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Race.
Read Here!!:
If you are using spacebar as the jumping button you will die at the beginning.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Mario Bros.' Thumbnail of the map 'Decaying Sanity-Mines.' Thumbnail of the map 'Architecture' Thumbnail of the map 'Fill' Thumbnail of the map 'İnfinity' Thumbnail of the map 'Little boxes makes difference'
Super Mario Bros. Decaying Sanity-Mines. Architecture Fill İnfinity Little boxes makes difference


Pages: (0)

Rockets piss PNI off as well.
The beginning of the map - The ninja dies when the level is in userlevels.

Yeah, didn't enjoy it.


The flow is kind of awkward. You also want to try and loop around more in races. Otherwise, it's still a good try for a first race. 3.


object placement seem random...
hard starting, if you plan to get AGD. otherwise, you just don't touch anything and pass the rocket easy.
in the middle it's a little confusing.
the end is weird...
Demo Data