Thumbnail of the map '28'

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Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx nnrpg playable rated
Created 2008-12-17
Last Modified 2008-12-19
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description For Scrimmage against notkitt

Rule 1 - Can only use two kinds of enemies + mines
Rule 2 - Can't use bounceblocks or oneways

Tileset intended for challenge against Templex

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just the right time' Thumbnail of the map 'testing' Thumbnail of the map 'Rotation' Thumbnail of the map '24' Thumbnail of the map '25' Thumbnail of the map '27'
Just the right time testing Rotation 24 25 27


Pages: (0)

Too hard

After 15-20 tries. That floorguard is way too hard. I played through the rest of the level in debug mode, and my overall opinion is that this map is much too awkward and difficult. I think the biggest problem is that you use too many enemies in each section. This map would still be decently difficult if you took out all the lasers, plus it would give more breathing room to let the players enjoy what difficulty is there. That's my recommendation. As is, 2/5.
Demo Data


too hard to maneuver and the aesthetics weren't that good
Demo Data


Gameplay: 3/20
Aesthetics: 0/10
Originality: 3/10
Total: 6/40

here is mine
But it plays solidly enough, and the enemies were well placed. 3.5