
Thumbnail of the map 'Rotation'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author isaacx
Tags author:isaacx playable rated tilerun-competition tileset
Created 2008-10-29
Last Modified 2008-10-29
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description 2nd submition for Riobe's tilerum comp.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Which is which that thou choisir to find' Thumbnail of the map 'Screwing' Thumbnail of the map 'Barrage from the heavens' Thumbnail of the map 'The movator' Thumbnail of the map 'Just the right time' Thumbnail of the map 'testing'
Which is which that thou choisir to find Screwing Barrage from the heavens The movator Just the right time testing


Pages: (0)


Huh. Anyone up for some shots? (Joke)

imo, dood,

not open enough, dood.


check out the second corner jump :D
Demo Data


The speedrun part was too quick and the flow completely died in parts. The squeeze was neat, but it needs more substance. As for the tiles themselves, they're on the generic side. 2/5
Demo Data

Cool tiles

squeeziness was cool


like it too, it wasn't meant to have alot of flow, an' i'm glad you like it
Demo Data

pretty cool

i like it

Nice tiles,

simple, but very fun to play on. 4/5
Demo Data


I like the squeezing, and there was a fair amount of flow, but it just didnt feel right to me. That said, I can see the speedrun appeal. 3.5