Thumbnail of the map '25'

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Author isaacx
Tags author:isaacx minejumper-ish playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-12-04
Last Modified 2008-12-19
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description First intended for the Neditor Nation thing, then saw that i couldn't challenge Yahoozy, and then saw all that other crap, so yeah, here's a map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Barrage from the heavens' Thumbnail of the map 'The movator' Thumbnail of the map 'Just the right time' Thumbnail of the map 'testing' Thumbnail of the map 'Rotation' Thumbnail of the map '24'
Barrage from the heavens The movator Just the right time testing Rotation 24


Pages: (0)

I agree with Nexx.

3/5 from me as well.


It's not that hard, guys. I can name many harder mine jumpers. Just take it slow, be attentive, and you'll get it.

About the map, your mine usage is decent, and the variety in your jumps is pretty good. Sections like the top middle area I found to be boring because there's no mines preventing you from just walking along the ground, but the rest of the map is better about that. The top left is my favorite area.

However, this map has a big problem, and that's the amount of back-and-forth you put into it. I mean, unnecessary back-and-forth in general is bad, and you put in way more than a general amount. It makes the map overlong, monotonous, annoying, and just bad. I was considering giving you a 2/5 just because I couldn't believe you'd make the player go from the top left to bottom right to top left again and then bottom right again. Despite that, however, the map still wasn't too hard and I did mildly enjoy myself overall, so I'll say it scrapes by with a 3/5. But you could have easily made it much better.
Demo Data


and not very fun...


spent about an hour testing it and it is possible, just quite challenging. I'll post a demo when i can actually can get another
it feels way too hard, if not impossible
Demo Data

Pretty annoying

The point of a minejumper shouldnt be to be finicky like this, imo. 3

Could you please post a demo? I keep dying at this one part that IS impossible to get through.


yes, it is possible