Maw Maw

Thumbnail of the map 'Maw Maw'

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Author _underscore_
Tags author:_underscore_ deds unfinished unrated
Created 2008-12-05
Last Modified 2008-12-05
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Deds!

Ded to ben815 because he's cool.
Ded to maximo because he isn't.
Ded to eganic for being eganic.

Someone finish this map. It's got alright flow.

PS- If you beat the level in edit mode, then get killed by the mine, and then respawn winning again, then when the floorguard kills you, you die onto the ceiling.

Other maps by this author

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Short-Circuited Hammon Righ A Droney Tribute (Resubmittal) Shock Shop Stoopididididity Teflon


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