
Thumbnail of the map 'Teflon'

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Author _underscore_
Tags action author:_underscore_ rated tilejumper
Created 2008-12-04
Last Modified 2008-12-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Fun times. Fun times indeed.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nuffs Ed' Thumbnail of the map 'Short-Circuited' Thumbnail of the map 'Hammon Righ' Thumbnail of the map 'A Droney Tribute (Resubmittal)' Thumbnail of the map 'Shock Shop' Thumbnail of the map 'Stoopididididity'
Nuffs Ed Short-Circuited Hammon Righ A Droney Tribute (Resubmittal) Shock Shop Stoopididididity


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The thing is you kept on about how your map needed attention and it pissed me off frankly. I play about 95% of the maps on numa and I give the maps worth a damn a comment or two. The thing was this map wasn't one of them.

The issue with the reverse jump is you dressed up an tile jumper as an action map, in and in the process failed at both. Maps that try to be jumpers and action at the same time hardly ever work. This is the case here, in trying to pull off the cool jumpy aspect you failed at the fun action aspect.

As for the laser being a timing mechanism it works backwards. I should be rewarded for going fast in the first part, instead it makes more sense for me to go slow as hell and wait for the laser to cross to the left, since leaving it on the right and going for all the gold is suicide with two rockets and no were to hide from them. If you didn't want people to wall jump, mines up the right side about 6 or 7 tiles works much better considering you already have two rockets and no cover.


Ben815 agrees with me. At least a little bit.


Backwards jumps are fun.


Make your opinions a bit less harsh. I playtested it and I did everything for a reason. It was meant to be a part tilejumper part action map. Imo reverse jumps are fun and add a certain dimension to gameplay. The laser was intentional, as it adds a timer to beating the first half and prevents you from getting up only by walljumping. I was going to start this reply with something like, "Fuck you, Maximo!", but I respect your opinions. But seriously. Chill.
Honestly...Why bother making us do the reverse jump? It only adds frustration since N is so hit or miss reverse jumping. Why make it so when I go fast both rockets and the laser culminate on my at the exist switch? It's like you made some decent tiles and never once playtested that laser (Which is placed horribly). My recommendation...take the laser out all together, it adds nothing. Take out the stupid reverse jump at the start...take out the stupid trap door, think of a more clever way to navigate the map. Ballance the two rockets and the exit switch so it isn't an ass pain to get, and playtest a little. And don't resub..but that is the least of my concerns after playing this.

Just don't

repost next time.


But this is one of the best maps I've made and I'm not gonna let it slide by unnoticed.

The map itself

Is very fun. 4
Just don't resub. As for your question the answer is no. Check my maps I have at least 2 or 3 map with no rates or commets.
P.S. Screw you too. :P
the first time, would you? And if you say no, you're probably lying.

I wouldn't

resub my best map.

I wasn't

adopted. :(


Screw you. This is one of the best maps I've made.
@notkitt- At least I wasn't adopted.


i had fun times with your mom once./


> <
I like it.
Demo Data