Shock Shop

Thumbnail of the map 'Shock Shop'

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Author _underscore_
Tags author:_underscore_ minimal timing unrated
Created 2008-12-03
Last Modified 2008-12-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Minimalism FTW!
Ded to Meta-Ing for getting first completion demo on mah last map.
Fastest demo gets a ded!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What have you got to lose?' Thumbnail of the map 'Cometeriorite' Thumbnail of the map 'Nuffs Ed' Thumbnail of the map 'Short-Circuited' Thumbnail of the map 'Hammon Righ' Thumbnail of the map 'A Droney Tribute (Resubmittal)'
What have you got to lose? Cometeriorite Nuffs Ed Short-Circuited Hammon Righ A Droney Tribute (Resubmittal)


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i used the tile to edge jump.
Demo Data

A little faster

Still no corner jump, though...
Demo Data
Corner jumps are hard.
Corner jumps off objects are harder.
Corner jumps off moving objects (particularly thwumps) are harder.
Corner jumps off the electric edge of a moving thwump are harder...
And corner jumps off the electric edge of a moving thwump that is backing up towards you is...

Well this is the fastest I've gotten so far.
Demo Data
i thought of finding a corner jump there, but thwumps are weird :/


I want to try and get a corner jump off of the thwump... It'll be hard, but if it works like I think it will, it should send me to the door really fast, too.
Demo Data


yeah personal best `11~!!~'`'`'fiesta'`~11~muchacabradallio~'`!!~`'
Demo Data

281 aagain``

Demo Data


i cannot go fast now ;_;
Demo Data

First Try

not really minimalism as a Thwump Challenge....... >:(
Demo Data
but it was kinda cool.
Demo Data


a little faster, but with style
Demo Data


lets see if i go fastah
Demo Data