N's Adventures Part 9: The Peak

Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 9: The Peak'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lil___n
Tags action author:lil___n medium-hard-hard nepic playable rated
Created 2008-11-23
Last Modified 2008-12-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description As N climbed the mountain, he spotted something shiny. "Gold!" N said. Unfortunately, N said it too loud and attracted a lot of drones. "Aw, *@#$!" N shouted. "Why do drones appear everywhere I go! It's like they're spying on me!"

Very hard to get the gold. Somewhat hard with the level completion, thoiugh. First one to get an AGD gets a ded. Oh, and the thumbnail is inacurate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 5: The Factory' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 6: Breach' Thumbnail of the map 'The Training Map' Thumbnail of the map 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 7: Escape' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 8: The Climb'
N's Adventures Part 5: The Factory N's Adventures Part 6: Breach The Training Map HAPPY BIRTHDAY! N's Adventures Part 7: Escape N's Adventures Part 8: The Climb


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Just submitted it.

It's called Collums


Well,the next map doesn't have to be extremely,"OH MY GOD WTF THIS LEVEL IS TOO DAMN HARD GAHH! *head explodes*,Your maps have been a good balance,maybe 2 ticks harder than most of your maps would be good.Sort of like a bit easier than my maps,but not too easy.

Hey, Meatpuppet,

what type of map should I do, because I see your maps and they are apparently very hard, but good. Do you want the ded map to be hard?


and I didn't think of beating the level that way. Next map is a ded to you, Meatpuppet.
It will turn gold, resembling a faved map

A question

How to you fav a map? 4/5,btw

That one was serious btw,i did finish it


Demo Data


D: D: DUDE watch the demo,I GOT AN AGD,BUT WELL,WATCH THE DEMO!!!! :( does it count?
Demo Data