N's Adventures Part 5: The Factory

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Author lil___n
Tags action author:lil___n beatable nepic playable rated very-hard
Created 2008-11-19
Last Modified 2008-12-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description As N escaped from the newly-known hazards of NUMA Beach, he wondered why the drones would attack NUMA Beach. "It's very odd," N murmered to himself. After walking for a while, N stumbled upon a factory. "The Drone Factory," N read aloud to himself the sign posted on there. It also had a "No N" sign. "That is insulting!" N exclaimed. "I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!"

Hardest one so far, but beatable. Very fun, too.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Mario Bros.' Thumbnail of the map 'Radar' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 1: The Beginning' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 2: The Cliff' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 3: The Shark' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 4: The Beach'
Super Mario Bros. Radar N's Adventures Part 1: The Beginning N's Adventures Part 2: The Cliff N's Adventures Part 3: The Shark N's Adventures Part 4: The Beach


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The trapdoor is bugged, and can be passed easily.

It was fun.

But a bit too easy. 4

Your best so far

But the chaser drone and the second gauss (the top one) just weren't necessary. Still 3.5/5

2.5/5 (3/5)

The top was probably the highlight of the map for me. Dodging both rockets and the floorguard was pretty fun.

In my opinion, the inside of the factory was a bit too empty, and the enemies inside of it were a mix between good and not so good. I felt that the chaingun and lower gauss were well placed, and provided a decent challenge. The upper gauss and seeker drone did little to stop me though, and the laser was good at some points, but usually just got in the way.

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