N's Adventures Part 7: Escape

Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 7: Escape'

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Author lil___n
Tags action author:lil___n beatable medium nepic playable rated
Created 2008-11-22
Last Modified 2008-12-24
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description When N got through security, he thought it couldn't get any worse. It did. "Intruder alert!" a speaker said. "If not terminated in 1.5 minutes, this factory will self-destruct." "Aw, crap," N said. "I have to get out of here!" He soon realized that if he were to get out of here, he would have to put his god-like speed and flexibility to more than its limits.

Very cool map. In my oppinion, my best so far.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 3: The Shark' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 4: The Beach' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 5: The Factory' Thumbnail of the map 'N's Adventures Part 6: Breach' Thumbnail of the map 'The Training Map' Thumbnail of the map 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'
N's Adventures Part 3: The Shark N's Adventures Part 4: The Beach N's Adventures Part 5: The Factory N's Adventures Part 6: Breach The Training Map HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Pages: (0)


I like the ending, not the tileset. 4/5
Demo Data


/5 good map i like


easy but quite a rush.

too easy...
