#18 and a bit

Thumbnail of the map '#18 and a bit'

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Author ultCult
Tags action author:ultcult playable unrated
Created 2008-11-18
Last Modified 2008-11-18
Map Data

Description unfinished; critique welcome.
I'm generally Captain Fail when it comes to playing N, so I want to know whether this is too difficult or whatever. Ta.

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#12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17


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which i assume you are 'named' after heh. just sayin'

the music is kinda cool too.


this is greats



The difficulty level is perfect in my opinion. But I think that its a little bit repeatative, I guess just try to use more then just oneways and mines. Maybe some bouncepads or thwumps to spice it up more. Also I really like the way you used the gausses.
Demo Data
Hard to pull off a good map with it. I'll fave it for later because I'm in school right now.

not too difficult

fine as it is.

sry for the spam

epic map

its awesome. drones and gauss are great, makes the map very fast.
especially like the first room.



captain fail :D