
Thumbnail of the map '#14'

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Author ultCult
Tags action author:ultcult featured playable rated
Created 2008-11-02
Last Modified 2008-11-02
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description running down stairs, trying not to fall.

This map was featured on 2010-10-24

During ultCult's brief stay, he graced us with some slick maps. "#14" is an example of one of those maps.

After you launch yourself out of the start, you begin a somewhat awkward trek up top. Suspense is created as you notice a few hidden seeker drones poking their heads out. Once you've released them the map starts to come together. The awkward tiles shine when combined with the mines and seekers. They prove to be almost an enemy in themselves.
One dodgy-guass section and risky key grab later and you'll enjoy the large satisfaction of beating this monster. — blackson

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '#7' Thumbnail of the map '#9' Thumbnail of the map '#10' Thumbnail of the map '#11' Thumbnail of the map '#12' Thumbnail of the map '#13'
#7 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13


Pages: (0)

I know

I was just being a smart-ass :p

I think by new

he means different.
haha.. far out I've been on this for agessss
Demo Data

Lol @ Palemoon

I've been waiting for that for months now.


fun little thing.
I like that little bounce escape.
Demo Data


MY GOD..... THIS MAP IS NEW. IT IS NEW. the one thing i ;ove about this map is the "ghosty" feeling it has. i should add that you should also tag this map with " ghosty " tag. i was literally shocked when the drones came out of the innocent looking wall. keep it up!!



Demo Data


real good fun
Demo Data

i can't wait until

someone shows up and says they were ultcult all along

it'll be great

this is cool


Those drones

scared the shit out of me, really fun.



Missed the last gold pieces!!
Demo Data


Glad to see someone else besides me noticed. =P

Nice. Sometimes the drones aren't released though.


Demo Data

love the beginning

bursting through the bounce block made me feel like Superman or something
They always do that when they get sniped. And no prob :) My maps on hotmaps too, if you wanna have a look. Im in a cheese war with amlt :P


How can you tell that, GH/TM? ...Because I remember yesterday you said a map was sniped before it even had a public rating. (And the author of the map said it was too...)
Thanks for the feedback. :)


Someone sniped this :(

Pretty nice

Felt like a weaker version of one of hoohah's maps at some points, but some neat little tricks made this about even with it. 3.5 up

Sort of slow AGD. The top-most gold wasn't hard at all to get in my opinion. I like the zap drones, and the beginning, and the odd-one-out. (The zap drone that goes the other way) 4/5.
Demo Data


i love the begining :P


something happened ;_;

i agree with Blacksons 4
Demo Data

that is fun!

i like the beginning too =]
